Night-Time Falls, As We All Know It Must by Nicolas

Night-time falls, as we all know it must
The light of day succumbs to the impending dusk,
Shadows lengthen beneath a dimming sky
An eerie stillness fills the air as time passes by,
Dark hours of aloneness forging despair
Enslaving innocence within an endless nightmare,
Imaginings from the past that never cease
Reminiscences disturbing the sanctum of inner-peace,
Embryonic panic engenders an unyielding pain
Angst born from old anxieties that revisit once again,
Forevermore tired of fighting back the tears
Wondering how to confront these dreadful, awful fears,
Crying our for help in the still of the night,
Echoed responses one charity provides a guiding light,
No Panic offers support at the end of a dialling-tone
So friends… “Don’t suffer alone – just pick up the phone”,
Now shadows recede fleeing from the new dawn
Sovereign light brings freedom and new hope is born!

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