Cambridge University, have published a study called A systematic review of reviews on the prevalence of anxiety disorders in adult populations.
What they did in this study is look at 48 other studies on the prevalence of anxiety disorders in the global population and the parts of society it effects the most.
The study found that women, young people under 35 and those with health problems are more likely to experience anxiety due to the pressures of their particular situations. It also found that each year around 10% of the global population will suffer from an anxiety disorder and that the lifetime prevalence of anxiety disorders is about 17%. It also found that globally specific phobia and generalised anxiety disorder had the highest prevalence. It also found that anxiety had a higher prevalence in substance misuse cases at around 29%.
The study also noted a higher prevalence in those who had a chronic physical disease of around 20%. The studies in this area focused on polycystic ovary syndrome, benign joint hypermobility syndrome and musculoskeletal pain. Older people and their caregivers, pregnant women, self harm patients and those identifying as lesbian, gay or bisexual were also noted as having a higher prevalence. These were at about 14-28%, 3.7-76.5%, 2-2.4%, 35% and 3-39% respectively.
This study concludes that more research is needed on anxiety disorders:
Anxiety disorders are increasingly being recognized as important determinants of poor health and major contributors to health service use across the globe (Nutt and Ballenger 2003; Simpson et al. 2010). Despite epidemiologic advances in this field, important areas of research remain under- or unexplored. There is a need for further studies on the prevalence of anxiety disorders in the context of: personality disorders; Indigenous cultures in Canada, the United States, New Zealand, and Australia; African, Middle Eastern, Eastern European, Asian and South American countries; and marginalized populations, such as injection drug users, street youth, and sex workers. These recommendations can serve to guide the research agenda, and most importantly, help develop tailored and timely interventions.
No Panic is glad to see the results of this study being publicised in the press and in the community at large. We have always seen the sections of people that suffer the most as part of our work and look forward to seeing further research done. If you need help with your anxiety disorder please get in contact with us and get the help you want and need.
You can read the research in full here: