Anxiety in the Digital Age

Hey there! Let me begin with a simple question. How many times a day do you check your phone? 10? 20? On an average, a smartphone user checks his phone a whopping 85 times a day. Shocking right? We have all become slaves of technology, and I am sure you will agree with me. While for some it’s a need, for many others it has become an addiction slowly paving the way to anxiety.

I am here to talk to you about anxiety in today’s world. I will tell you what is anxiety, how it starts, the signs and a few tips to help you get out of this.

So What’s Anxiety?

If you’re wondering about anxiety in the digital age, the infographic below can help you get yourself up to speed.

Rising Levels of Anxiety In A Digital World

In simple terms, anxiety is a feeling of uneasiness or worry which can leave you with fear and nervousness. If you date back to ten years from today, anxiety was a rare phenomenon. But today on an average more than 18% of a nation’s population is affected by it.

Are there any types?

Anxiety is broadly classified into the following types

  • General anxiety disorder (GAD)
  • Panic disorder
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Major depressive disorder
  • Phobic disorders
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Separation anxiety disorder

And then there is the new age Technology anxiety which is classified as,

  • Technostress
  • Disconnectivity Anxiety

But Why?

Stress, anxiety, and depression are on the rise, and you can give all the credit to technology.
It all begins with your sleep cycle. More than 90% of individuals use their smartphones before they hit the bed. The blue light emitted from these phones disrupt the sleep hormone, melatonin and keeps you up all night. You end up oversleeping in the morning and your entire day is disrupted. The next disaster is too much work and too little time. The result? Mounting stress and anxiety. This is just one example. There are thousands of other ways how technology is turning us into anxiety mongers.

How Can You Find Out?

There are some classic symptoms which are a clear sign of anxiety.


The first sign of anxiety is excessive sweating. Everyone gets a little sweaty when they get on a stage or have an exam to write, but in the case of anxiety, something as little as an unpaid bill can get you very anxious. There is a rise in body temperature due to anxious thoughts which results in sweating.

Rapid Heart Rate

Do you feel like you can hear your heartbeat out loud? A fast heartbeat is a clear sign of anxiety. The feeling of fear increases your pulse rate which can even lead to cardiac arrest for some individuals.

Compulsive Behavior

Have you noticed some people are excessively obsessed with keeping things organized and cleaning things? This is related to an obsessive compulsive disorder where you have intrusive and obsessive thoughts which are accompanied by compulsive behavior.

Other noticeable signs include lack of sleep, chronic indigestion, panic attacks, etc

What can you do about it?

There are a number of ways that can help you overcome anxiety. Here are a few to help you out:


The ancient practice of Yoga is a treatment for many disorders. It primarily comprises of breathing techniques and asanas.

Find a corner of your house which is silent and has optimum light. Perform some simple breathing exercises to calm your mind.

There are some asanas you can try. The Big toe pose, bound angle pose, bow pose, bridge pose, camel pose and cow pose can help you reduce anxiety.

Positive Self-talk

A lot of problems can be solved if you reassure yourself positively. Begin with watching positive motivational videos which relax your mind. Motivational books can also help you nurture yourself with positivity.


Music therapy can be used to overcome anxiety. Depending on your mood you may enjoy different kinds of music. Sometimes soothing music can do the trick, and some other times upbeat music can help you stay calm.


Did you know that the food you eat can also affect your anxiety level? Caffeine and alcohol can exacerbate anxiety. Alcohol is generally consumed to relax, but on the contrary, it can dehydrate your body and make you all the more anxious.

Anxiety is usually accompanied by chronic indigestion so consume healthy food like salads which are easy to digest.


One of the best ways to treat anxiety is to exercise regularly. A regular exercise routine has been proven to reduce anxiety, stress and other mental disorders. It can also boost your mood and improve your metabolism level.

Along with the above tips, you should also make some changes in your lifestyle. Begin with getting a proper 8-hours of shut eye time, unplug yourself from technology more often and spend more time with your friends.

This is a guest blog by

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