Thought Control

The power of thought has an extremely strong influence on our lives. It shapes our days and our way of life. This process is usually subconscious but it can be made conscious too. For example; put a smile on and now think of something you love, whether it is a golden beach, a chocolate cake or a favourite film. Keep the smile while you are thinking. Picture and relish that nice thought. How do you feel? Not too stressed I’m sure. Not upset and not worried. That is the power of thought. For those few moments you controlled your thoughts to give you a good feeling. You did that because you can. You have the power to feel like that whenever you want to.

What can we do to keep control of our thoughts?

  1. Try not to get overtired.
  2. Look around you at all you have. e.g. friends, family, the use of limbs, a roof over your head, food in the cupboard. These are all things that we so often take for granted but there are people that don’t have as much as us. Being grateful is good.
  3. If you start to have negative thoughts, make the choice to stop them. Change what you are doing.

You have the power within you to do this. Determination and will-power is half the battle.

Make the decision right now to have a positive day.

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