Although No Panic is a national charity, it is a developing charity. Our helpline and other core services have supported people for decades, helping them to get their anxiety under control. The No Panic Helpline answers thousands of calls every year from people who have anxiety.
We aim to reach more people, and to become more sustainable. To achieve these aims, we need volunteers who can lead our efforts to secure more funding.
Being a developing charity, No Panic does not have all the things in place that skilled volunteers may expect us to have. This is something we are working to fix, by building our capacity so we can develop the things we need to develop, and by recruiting skilled people, whose skills and experience will inform our decisions.
We seek new volunteers to lead our fundraising efforts. Leading means developing structures, recruiting volunteers, and co-ordinating teams. Real leadership is staying to fix problems, rather than walking away after discovering problems.
We are aiming to recruit a Finance and Fundraising Officer, who will oversee Fundraising Teams, who will inform and influence discussions at Trustee level, and who will share realistic strategic insight with Trustees and Co-ordinators.
We are also seeking Co-ordinators. Our Fundraising Teams need to be co-ordinated by people, who understand the tasks carried out by our Fundraising Teams, who understand that this is a developing charity, and who have the skills to lead in a way that ensures that their colleagues are supportive and co-operative. We have a team focused on securing large grants, and a team whose aim is to maximise revenue from online platforms and from professional fundraisers.
We are currently seeking a Trustee and two Co-ordinators. You may apply for multiple roles. Successful applicants may be offered a different role than the one to which they applied. If taking on one of our senior Fundraising roles is a challenge that appeals to you, please complete the form below.